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 One for the money - Janet Evanovich

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One for the money - Janet Evanovich Vote_lcap0%One for the money - Janet Evanovich Vote_rcap
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One for the money - Janet Evanovich Vote_lcap0%One for the money - Janet Evanovich Vote_rcap
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One for the money - Janet Evanovich Vote_lcap0%One for the money - Janet Evanovich Vote_rcap
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One for the money - Janet Evanovich Vote_lcap0%One for the money - Janet Evanovich Vote_rcap
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Total des votes : 0


Féminin Nombre de messages : 5075
Age : 35
Emploi : Etudiante en statistiques
Mon genre préféré : Comédie romantique, Bit-Lit
Mon livre préféré : L'ombre du vent - Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2007

One for the money - Janet Evanovich Empty
MessageSujet: One for the money - Janet Evanovich   One for the money - Janet Evanovich EmptyDim 23 Nov 2008 - 14:52

Stephanie Plum

1. One for the money
Janet Evanovich
Titre en français : La pirme
Quatrième de couverture : ONE FINE MESS
Welcome to Trenton, New Jersey, home to wiseguys, average Joes, and Stephanie Plum, who sports a big attitude and even bigger money problems (since losing her job as a lingerie buyer for a department store). Stephanie needs cash-fast-but times are tough, and soon she's forced to turn to the last resort of the truly desperate: family...
Stephanie lands a gig at her sleazy cousin Vinnie's bail bonding company. She's got no experience. But that doesn't matter. As does the fact that the bail jumper in question is local vice cop Joe Morelli. From the time he first looked up her dress to the time he first got into her pants, to the time Steph hit him with her father's Buick, M-o-r-e-l-l-i has spelled t-r-o-u-b-l-e. And now the hot guy is in hot water-wanted for murder...
Abject poverty is a great motivator for learning new skills, but being trained in the school of hard knocks by people like psycho prizefighter Benito Ramirez isn't. Still, if Stephanie can nab Morelli in a week, she'll make a cool ten grand. All she has to do is become an expert bounty hunter overnight-and keep herself from getting killed before she gets her man...
Nombre de pages : 320 pages
Titre des autres tomes : à venir
Edition de poche : St Martin's paperback
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One for the money - Janet Evanovich Onefor10

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One for the money - Janet Evanovich
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